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.Wednesday, April 30, 2008 ' 4:03 PM Y

The clock is ticking away...I'm gonna turn 21 soon. Man, I feel old.

Feels like just yesterday when I stepped into this college and study. Were so young then. 18 years old. Now, almost graduating, and almost 21 in less than 24 hours. Sigh!

Anyway, hope I will have a fun time tomorrow. It's girl's day out. I so wanna try the Kenko Fish Spa but apparently I have to wait until next month before I can try it. So excited. Can't wait for the little fishes and big fishes to come nibble at my feet. LOL!

Was at Midvalley yesterday and saw a cute guy modelling for Bata. Saw Daphne Iking emcee-ing for the fashion show. That guy is cuuute...Drools...

Tired from work. Need a rest now. Bye!

.Monday, April 28, 2008 ' 4:25 PM Y

I can't believe a young man aged 26 years old took pills for ED for fun. What is the world coming to? And what's weirder is that he had these one of a kinda adverse reactions, which according to the doctor, is uncommon. We had to check his blood sugar every half an hour and if that's not enough, we have to give him 60 mls of Dextrose 50% intravenously if his blood sugar is lower than 5mmol/l. And his blood sugar never reaches above 5mmol/l.

For those who do not know what Dextrose 50% is - it's actually glucose, a very concentrated type which is usually given to diabetic patients who go hypo. It will raise blood sugar very fast but it is also very, very painful. So you can imagine how "Mr. Cialis" react to when we were about to inject these very concentrated liquid into his veins. Poor thing? I say, serves him right for taking two of those pills. Some of my colleagues were speculating maybe he really has ED. Well, get treatment instead of taking pills for fun, dude.

OK. Quite speechless now. Will blog when I have something on my mind. And when I have the mood to. LOL!

P/S: My favourite doctor, Dr. KK has a patient in my ward. I'M SO EXHILARATED. At long last. Waited so long for him to arrive. Though I didn't get to follow him but I saw him when I went to fetch a patient from OT just now. He's so damn cute and charming.

.Thursday, April 24, 2008 ' 10:41 AM Y

Was supposed to go for Karaoke with my friends but it was cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances". Anyhow, I went to watch a movie with a friend of mine. Thanks so much for being such a sweetie accompanying me, dear! How I wished I was "muka tembok" enough to take pics with the cute blonde hunk model for Che Che New York. Haih! Never did. Never was thick-skinned enough for this kinda thing.

This movie is fantastic. It's hilarious. At first, I didn't think it would be worth it for the RM7 I paid for but I was proven wrong. I'm gonna ask my sister to download it and I plan to watch it again. Eva Longoria is funny as usual in the movie and I noticed she only wear white in it. Hehe. Don't get what I'm trying to say? Go watch the movie yourself and find out. Oh yeah, did I mention that Paul Rudd is so good-looking in this movie? I first fell in love with him in one of his movies, kinda like this genre (forgot what name already). Jason Biggs is funny weh, I tell you. I remember him being the main character in American Pie. I love that movie too because it's so funny. You should have seen how I laughed in the cinema. LOL! Loved the curls of the psychic in the movie too - Ashley. Don't know what's her real name though. Wished I had curls like her but I know how hard it is to maintain curls so I may have to think twice before curling my hair again.

Next up, I wanna watch Fool's Gold. Matthew McConnaughey and Kate Hudson is a pair! My, it's a handful trying to spell Matt's name. But I got it right, I suppose. Correct me if I'm wrong. Haven't watched Street Kings yet but seems that almost all my friends have watched it already. Maybe I'll just watch the download version of it. Love Keanu Reeves. He's my ultimate fave actor of all time (thus the name of my blog, it's actually inspired by The Matrix).

I noticed that Kenko Fish Spa has opened up a new outlet in MidValley. Anyone daring enough to try it out with me? I have already for two in my list. More to come, please. Time to feed the fishes and prettify your feets. I just want to try it out and experience for myself what it is like. Maybe on my birthday? Oh my, I'm getting old. Haih! Another year older but do I look like I have grown up? Maybe physically but mentally, I hope I am. LOL!

Alrighty. This post is getting kinda long for me talking about crap. Will blog again from time to time. I'm kinda in the mood to blog these days. Hehe! Keep "tuning" in. Bye!!! Have fun and for those still having exams, good luck and do you best!!!


.Tuesday, April 22, 2008 ' 11:02 AM Y

Was in Popular the other day and browse through some books. Came upon this lovely poem which I think suits my mood at that time. Just for sharing with you guys and gals.

We can't blame others when love dwindles away -
For we know from the start it never promised to stay.

It's just one of those things where the stakes are high -
And sometimes it's forever, and sometimes it's good-bye.

When you love the right way, you will never lose -
No matter what path life may force you to choose.

You may end up with tears or a broken heart -
But you know what you signed up for from the start.

You can only give what you've got to give -
And if that's not enough, then you must continue to live.

Life will go on and broken hearts will heal -
You must continue on your quest, for that's the deal.

Throw you heart into life and never stall -
For the greatest risk is to risk nothing at all.

You see, love is the only thing that we know -
That can be divided and divided but continue to grow.

And life isn't long enough to lock away our heart -
Just because life may have forced two people apart.

We will continue to love and continue to lose -
We will continue to pick and continue to choose.

And then one day we will just risk it all -
Take the chains off our hearts and dismantle the wall.

The last time we love will be the forever -
And never again will our hearts be forced to sever.

We'll never have doubts that it'll go away -
Because this time, it'll be here to stay.

But until then we must endure all the pain -
For we only see sunshine if we can wait through the rain.

P/S: Meaningful isn't it? Any guesses where I got this from? :P

.Friday, April 18, 2008 ' 6:01 PM Y

This post is dedicated to the complaint which I just got from the ward. To dear Mr. Vomit Blood and Specky Wife:

F = F***ing

U = Understand that the ward is busy at times and you are not the only patient we attend to,

S = So, please be considerative that,

S = Sometimes mistake does happen and I hope

Y = You don't vomit blood anymore.

Many thanks.

.Wednesday, April 16, 2008 ' 8:41 PM Y

1.Why did you stop loving the last person you loved?
:: because he gave me up and broke my heart

2. Are you usually the heart breaker or the heartbroken?
:: heartbreaker twice. heartbroken once. but my heart is broken too when im the heartbreaker. lol

3. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
:: nestle low fat strawberry yoghurt drink

4. Name a quote from the song you are listening to?
:: "release your inhibitions, feel the rain on your skin"

5. How is life going for you right now?
:: it's OK i guess. busy. hypo. sore legs. dark eye circles. eye bags. 'nuff said.

6. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
:: yeah.

7. Who was the last person to comment you?
:: eunice

8. Regret(s)?
:: yes and no

9. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?
:: "you go first"

10. Do you have a best friend?
:: yeah

11. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?
:: yes..

12. What do you think of people who have sex before marriage?
:: no comments. to each his/her own

13. Do you own a pair of green pants?
:: no

14. Do you believe that what comes around goes around?
:: yes definitely!

15. What is your favorite fruit?
:: mango

16. What is the last song to make you cry?
:: bei ban - gary chao

17. Is your best friend pretty/handsome?
:: she's pretty and cute

18. Have you ever passed out?
:: nope. but i nearly did

19. Do you trust people easily?
:: yeah..my weakness

20. When was the last time you cried?!
:: the day i heard that song i mentioned..

21. What's the thing that always gets you through the day?
:: God, family and friends

22. Who do you miss?
:: family and friends who i have not met for long

23. Do you give out second chances too easily?
:: yeah. i guess i do..

24. Where was your last car ride to and from?
:: dun remember...too long didnt go out..

25. Where is one place you want to visit?
:: Paris

26. Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hugging u?
:: if it's a hunk, anytime :P

27. Do you believe in revenge?
:: sometimes, during impulsive moments.

. ' 6:38 PM Y

Hey all!!! It's been so long since I last blogged. Worry not. I'm back. Alive and kicking. Nothing will ever get me down.

Management has just started for me a few days back. I must say that the 3 days that passed were a whirlwind indeed. Doctor screaming over the phone when I called, confused patients who can smile at you for a second and another second whack you and also patients who seem perfectly fine and alright found unconscious in the bathroom. Seriously. Was. A. Rollercoaster. Ride.

Did I even mention that it was just 3 days in the ward? Our management posting is 4 weeks. I still have 3 weeks and a half to go. Good luck to myself! LOL!

I really think my weight is about to yo-yo during these 4 weeks. It gets so busy that I don't even have time to pee or eat or drink. My goodness, have I mention also that some doctors are really sickening and moody and scold us for no reason? But of course, there are also doctors that are oh-so-kind I feel like going to their house and have tea with their family. LOL!

Patients. All sorts of them. Confused ones are really hard to tackle especially when they get violent. You have to protect yourself then. I have a junior who got kicked in the stomach because of one old patient who is confused at night. The funny thing is, that old patient is perfectly normal during day time. Only during the night all hell breaks loose -_-'''

I really can't stand those of my so-called friends who are working in the same ward as me. Where are you when the freaking call bell rings? All seriously don't know hiding in which hole in the earth and taking their own sweet time to do things. Please be conscientious. You are a nurse too, you should always help out. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

OK! This is getting so emo already and I think I should stop. I'm thinking of getting a new haircut. What should it be like this time around? Hehe...Watch out and see...

To those having exams, I wish you guys the best of luck penning your answers away and happy shooting for those objective questions :p

Take care! Loves...

.Sunday, April 6, 2008 ' 4:40 PM Y

Any cure for period cramps? No Ponstan please because it makes period flow lesser.

Have tried Buscopan which is good for spasms. Period cramps = uterus contractions = spasm

But, the effect worn off after a while...

Now, if someone else knows a good cure for cramps, do email me at velyneve@gmail.com or text me.


p/s : hate being a woman at times -_-

Me, Myself & I

1 May 1987


Juicy Couture
Holiday in Bali
Go to Paris before I die


hui wen
kenny sia


Designer: LiHua
Base Codes: Xinni
Image done using Photoshop
Please leave the credits alone, thanks [: